Local Groups & Organisations:

Although Staple is a very small parish, its community is served by a wide and varied range of groups and organisations.  Details of which can be found on the village website (www.staple-online) and in the parish magazine (The Escallop).

Several regular, fund-raising events are organised by the church, including quizzes at the Village Hall, an annual Dog Show, garden parties, coffee mornings and bingo nights.

Staple's biggest annual event is the Staple Country & Craft Fayre, which is held every year on the last Sunday in June.  (And whose proceeds are donated to the parish's various clubs, groups and organisations).

Another regular event is the Black Pig Quiz.

Staple's various groups and organisations include:

Staple Youth Club

Staple Pre-School

Staple Parent

& Toddler Group

Staple Short Mat

Bowls Club

Staple Country Fayre Committee

Staple Recreation

& Village Hall

Management Committee

Staple Woodland Trust

Staple Branch, RBL

Pipe Dreamers

Staple Walking Group

Staple also has a wide and varied selection of talent; ranging from musicians, artists, weavers and poets to mechanics, scientists; and even a stained-glass maker.